What I Help With (Results You Can Expect)


  • Identify and Overcome Mental Roadblocks: We’ll work together to identify subconscious patterns that hold you back, whether it's fear, limiting beliefs, or internal conflict. You’ll learn how to overcome these mental barriers using principles and techniques based on neuroplasticity and hypnotherapy.


  • Reclaim Your Energy: Using physical awareness techniques, I help you understand how stress and emotions show up in your body. You’ll learn to read and respond to these signals, reducing exhaustion and burnout, and regaining vitality.


  • Build Resilience: You’ll develop the skills to rewire your brain for emotional resilience and mental toughness, using neuroplasticity methods that allow you to face challenges without feeling overwhelmed.


  • Improve Your Leadership and Communication: For managers and executives, my coaching provides insights into how to lead with authenticity, improve communication, and build better team dynamics.


  • Create Actionable Step Plans: Together, we’ll create step-by-step action plans aligned with your goals, giving you a clear path to personal and professional success. These plans will help you make measurable progress and maintain momentum in your growth.


  • Lasting Change Through Hypnotherapy: Hypnotherapy helps you address deep-rooted beliefs and emotional blocks, enabling profound, lasting change. This approach allows you to break free from old habits and thought patterns that no longer serve you.

Do any of these resonate with you, at times?


  • You often find yourself going through the motions, lost in a sea of "musts" and living on autopilot.
  • Overthinking and the "to do lists" lead to stress and anxiety.
  • You find it difficult to relax.
  • You have a career switch or another goal in mind, but cannot quite seem to get there or do not know how.
  • Feelings of tiredness, overwhelm or insecurity can creep in.
  • You experience headaches, physical discomfort, lack of sleep.
  • You catch yourself saying, "I'll be happy when..."
  • Your energy is depleted, and you're not even sure what you truly want anymore.
  • You are inclined to stick to the 'status quo'.
  • Worries about small things overshadow your daily life.
  • Joy and enthusiasm have dwindled, replaced by occasional apathy and a lack of desire to do the things you once loved.
  • You long to be a better parent and relish every moment with your children.
  • Maybe you lack and miss that deeper connection with your partner... the one you had in the beginning when everything was lively?
  • You've tried working on yourself and your body, but it's challenging to stay consistent due to lack of time or energy.
  • You often find yourself living by other people's rules and caring about opinions of others and societal norms (too) much.
  • You find it hard to find your balance between work and life, as a (new) mom.


If any of these resonate, I hope my coaching can help you toward the goal you have in mind!